IAS Projects
Solvatten Water Purification Project
Solvatten containers are used to purify raw water, making it safe for consumption. In Tharaka Nithi, Tana River, Kajiado and Wajir Counties in Kenya, the communities draw water directly from rivers, shallow wells, earth dams and streams which is not safe for drinking. These containers come in handy as they ensure households are able to have safe drinking water. IAS has since distributed over 10,000 Solvatten containers
Gravity-Driven Irrigation Project
Project Implemented in Tharaka, this project channels water from River Kathika to over 350 farmers, enhancing food security through the introduction of new crops and improved farming methods.
Earth Dam Desilting
Desilted three earth dams, increasing their water-holding capacity and accessibility during dry seasons.
Water storage Innovation Project
IAS empowered over 40 farmers to excavate water pans on their land, enhancing water storage.
Dam Liners Installation Project
Installed dam liners in 10 water pans to improve water retention.
Capacity Building ToT Training
Trained 20 Trainers of Trainers (ToTs) on water management, and supported five earth dam committees and five Water Resource User Association (WRUA) Committees.
Water Pans Establishment
Excavated over 20 water pans, benefiting more than 80 households with increased water availability.
Learning/knowledge Exchange Program
Facilitated an exchange program for 10 farmers to learn and gain exposure in Ethiopia.
School Water Harvesting Project
Supported five primary schools in Tharaka Nithi with masonry water tanks and water pans to harvest rainwater, promoting hygiene and supporting school kitchen gardens that provide nutritious meals.
Water Conservation Project
Saved approximately 2 million liters of water through desilting and harvested approximately 6 million liters by excavating new earth dams.
Water Conservation Project
Saved approximately 2 million liters of water through desilting and harvested approximately 6 million liters by excavating new earth dams.
Emergency Drought Response support
Distributed relief food to 40 households as a precautionary measure against the 2022 drought.
COVID-19 Response
Provided meals to 5,040 pupils in response to the pandemic.
Food Distribution
Supported 1,000 households with food rations. Additionally, supplied six months' worth of food and non-food items (NFIs) to 900 individuals in Nanighi and Chewele camps, aiding 300 households affected by flooding.
Distributed 60.5 kg of dry maize and 36 kg of dry beans to each of 40 households in Tharaka Nithi, totaling 2,430 kg of maize and 1,440 kg of beans.
Resilient Farming Support
Distributed farming tools and seeds to 300 households, fostering resilience.
Clean Water Access Project
Distributed over 1,800 Solvatten solar-treated water containers to households impacted by flooding and installed two 25,000-liter water tanks in villages to enhance access to clean water.
Agricultural Inputs Support Project
Provided high-quality seeds, fodder, and fertilizer to 250 of the most needy households.
Technical Support and Capacity Building
Offered agricultural training and capacity building to beneficiary populations.
Sanitation and Hygiene capacity building
Trained 1,245 households in Nanighi and Chewele on sanitation, safe water practices, and hygiene.
Sanitation and Hygiene capacity building
Trained 1,245 households in Nanighi and Chewele on sanitation, safe water practices, and hygiene.
Comprehensive Relief Support
Provided relief food to 50 households in Tharaka Nithi and 210 households in Tana River Counties, along with solar lamps to 100 households in Tana River, improving evening study conditions for children.
Nutritional Support
Supplied nutritious meals to 100 children under the age of five.
Mass Assessments and Registration
Conducted four successful assessments and registrations of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in Jilore, Kakuyuni, and Ganda wards in Malindi sub-county, identifying and registering 160 PWDs. This initiative improved demographic profiling for targeted policy development.
Formation of PWD Self-Help Groups
Established Soyosoyo and Tumaini PWD Self-Help Groups, presently operational with substantial savings. This led to the creation of three additional PWD Self-Help Groups and the Malindi Sub-County PWDs Network, enhancing advocacy and inclusion efforts.
Community Charter Development
Strengthened 30 Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and Self-Help Groups (SHGs) to develop a community charter. This charter guides advocacy efforts and represents community rights at the government level.
PWD Capacity Building
Trained over 30 CSOs in Tana River and Tharaka Nithi, forming two advocacy groups. These groups successfully lobbied for the implementation of the Tharaka Nithi climate change fund policy.
Human Rights Advocacy
Enhanced the capacity of 26 CBOs in human rights, self-sufficiency, and sustainability. Trained 10 Human Rights Defenders, who have reached 932 individuals and resolved 50 issues through outreach efforts.
Economic Empowerment
Supported the establishment of one cottage industry and provided training and equipment to two Community Support groups for Income Generating Activities (IGAs), promoting sustainable economic opportunities.
Supply of Personal effects to students
Responding to the urgent needs of vulnerable populations, IAS has worked to distribute sanitary and dignity kits to boys and girls across Tharaka Nithi, Tana River, and Kilifi. In Tana River, a total of 848 dignity kits were disbursed, comprising 748 for girls and 100 for boys. Similarly, in Tharaka Nithi, 206 girls and 68 boys were provided with these essential kits, while in Kilifi, 450 girls and 400 boys benefited from the initiative.
Community Empowerment
Engaged 3,000 individuals to raise awareness and enhance early warning systems for proactive responses.
Capacity Building
Enhanced the capacity of 1,500 farmers to implement best agronomic practices and adopt climate change adaptation strategies.
Faith-Based Involvement
Engaged 10 faith-based organizations in resilience-building efforts.
Strategic Partnerships
Established 10 partnerships using the Quadruple Helix Model to strengthen Community-Managed Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience (CMDRR) initiatives.
Strategic Partnerships- Resilience IAS 7 Pilllar Model was replicated in Dodoma Tanzania
The IAS Resilience 7 Pilllar Model was replicated in Dodoma Tanzania under UNA Tanzania funded by SMC
Infrastructure Projects
Implemented infrastructure projects such as water pans and earth dams to improve disaster preparedness and response capabilities.
Inclusive Education Program in Tana River County - Kenya
Directly reached 677 children (221 boys and 456 girls) and 1016 adults (473 men and 543 women).
Established the County Inclusive Education Network (CIEN) facilitating collaboration and resource-sharing among stakeholders.
Formed an Inclusive Education sub-committee within the National Educational Alliances.
Developed a tool to analyze policy gaps and issues, actively utilized by the committee.
Empowered representatives from I.E networks and 12 stakeholders on accountability, mobilization and other competencies. 10 persons with disabilities (PWDs) now work in public offices and institutions in Tana River County.
Support for Children with Special Education Needs (CSEN)
Developed an innovative tool for tracking assessment, inclusion, retention, and performance of Children with Special Education Needs (CSEN).
Enrolled and retained 7 CSEN (2 boys and 5 girls) and 125 girls in two model schools.
Enrolled and retained 41 CSEN (22 boys, 19 girls) in neighboring schools.
Improved performance and transitioned 48 CSEN (21 boys and 27 girls) and 125 girls to the next class.
Provided assistive devices to one needy CSEN.
Formed 2 CSEN and 2 girls’ clubs with 20 members each, reaching out to neighboring schools to create awareness on children’s rights to 597 pupils.
Established 2 community-based Over clubs (comprising parents with children with disabilities), trained in advocacy and promotion of IE.
Reached 105,000 listeners with IE messages through Tana, TBS, and Imani FM local vernacular radio stations in 2023.
Sustainable School Feeding Program in Tharaka Nithi
Supported 37 primary schools, benefiting over 10,000 learners through the provision of school lunches. Currently supporting 15 primary schools with a sustainable school feeding program.