Mary Githiomi

Country Director

Mary is the IAS K team leader, in charge of day to day operations of IAS K programme. She joined IAS K in the capacity of Country Director in 2015. She is also the Secretary to the Board, the go between the staff, management and the Board of Governors. She Chairs the Senior Management Team that runs the daily operation of the organization. She holds a Masters Degree in Strategic Management and a Bachelors in Business Management. She has over 20 years’ experience in Relief and Development sphere and has worked in different countries. Mary brings wealth of experience in Management, Administration, leadership, programs and Human Resource Management. She is a strong negotiator, focused on service delivery, and very passionate about the program she leads. Above all, she believes that God has a purpose for every single human being, and hers is to serve diligently, and with a focus to deliver the Mission of IAS K

In her spare time, Mary likes trying out many food recipes and farming, her attention to detail is unmatched

Ann Gituma

HR and Admin Manager

Ann is a result-driven Human Resource Professional with over 12 years work experience. Prior to joining International Aid Services Kenya, she worked for Kenya AIDs NGOs Consortium (KANCO) as a Human Resource Manager. Ann has held several HR management roles, providing support and expertise in HR operations, performance and talent management, training and development, business process improvement, coaching and mentoring, and recruitment. Ann holds a Master’s of Science in Human Resource Management from Jomo Kenyatta University for Agriculture and Technology(JKUAT) and Bachelors of Public Administration and management from Kampala University, Uganda. Ann holds a valid Human Resource practicing license from Institute of Human Resource Manager(IHRM).

In her spare time, Ann likes to explore and travel, whilst in her escapades she learns how other countries run their businesses and work and brings back new ideas

Ishmael Kulu

SMT Member

Ishmael is an IAS K SMT member. He brings a vast experience of leadership. Being one of the longest serving staff that have been working with the organization for over 20 years, He understands the vision, mission, status and the direction of the organization and he contributes much as per the TOR of the SMT.

Ishmael loves God, and likes to study alot. He engages in several studies of different texts.

Edward Ochenge

Head of Operations and Finance Manager

Edward is a Certified Public Accountant. He has worked for several Non-Governmental Organizations and most recently as the Chief Operating Officer at Nuru International Kenya. He has 16 years’ experience in Procurement, Human Resource, Tax administration, Finance and Accounting functions in the service industry and NGO sector. He is our Finance Manager and also the Inclusive Education regional Financial Controller, overseeing the project in four East African Countries. Edward is a result-oriented, value minded, professional, dynamic and intrinsically motivated and self-driven individual.

Edward likes current affairs and he is not impressed with politics, but his concerns are more on how the public will benefit.

Bernard Omondi

Programmes Manager

Benard is an SMT Member for IAS K. He brings a vast field experience of frontline project delivery. Being one of the longest serving staff that have been working with the organization for over 20 years, He has been part of the frontline project team delivering the mission of IAS, and has been exceptional in his work. His experiential contribution as per the TOR of the SMT is invaluable.

Benard is a hands on person, diligent and dependeable. Whatever he finds to do, he will deliver to the best of his ability

Rahab Mbochi

Resource Mobilization Manager

Rahab is a result driven person with an extensive background in community development, project management, communications, and resource mobilization. With more than 15 years of experience in the NGO world, Rahab has a proven track record of developing and implementing programs that increase social impact and development. Her expertise is in project implementation, budget management, strong networking skills, grant writing and observation and deep understanding of the local and international scene. While at IAS K, she has been in charge of resource mobilization, innovative resource mobilization strategies and donor relations.

When not making a difference in the community, she enjoys exploring the landscapes of Kenya through hikes, reading inspirational books, and swimming to relax.