Plate for Plate Feeding Project

Location: Tharaka

The Plate for Plate school feeding program is being implemented in  haraka. It started in 2013, funded by Linas Matkasse through partnership with International Aid Services Kenya (IAS K).

Due to persistent drought in the area, there was need to provide school children with a substantial meal in order to foster education.Maize and beans, being the staple food in the area, seemed ideal.

With this, the Plate for Plate team began implementation in 2015 of the project which currently supports over 10,000 children in 37 schools.

“Laughter is brightest in the place where the food is.”

— Irish Proverb

Class Competitions

The project saw the need to create a competition to promote interest in education, by running class competition, this pushed the students to not just study to get food, but to also excel in their academics.

The class competitions run monthly in the 37 schools, a student is awarded based on academic performance, sports, discipline, grooming etc.

The IAS Kenya’s school feeding program funded by Linas Matkasse has enabled parents enroll and retain their children in school. In addition, it has increased the number of pupils and performance of Kereria Primary School in Tharaka Nithi County, as it is shared by the Headteacher Mr. Julius Chokera. Service to humanity is service to God!

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